Saturday, June 25, 2011

Gay authors

I have recently been looking for reading material in the gay genre and about skinheads. There is virtually nothing available so I have written 3 books in the gay skinhead genre. One is now published and available through the website and through The other 2 will be published later this year. The published book is called 'A Matter of Honour' and concerns a young skinhead who is jailed but given a promise by police to remove his record if he assists them to infiltrate a Nazi skinhead group. Although not a gay writing persay, it has gay undertones and gay sex scenes.

The two books to be released later this year are 'Life's Journey' about a young gay skinhead and his journey through life, accepting being gay, finding out the pleasures of gay fetishes and ultimately to imprisonment for his skinhead beliefs. The other book, 'Daniel' is also a skinhead book about a straight skinhead questioning his sexuality and ultimately accepting his gay leanings. He becomes facinated by the gay lifestyle, the fetishes that suround him and his eventual non-consentual enslavement by a corupt copper. Both these books are available as a trilogy or as a complete book.

The gay genre is a fast developing area and more gay authors are now submitting their works for publicaation. Few publishing houses are willing to openly associate themselves with the GLBT community but through self publication, many gay authors can now distribute their works openly through online book stores such as and other EBook websites. As members of the online gay community we must support these gay authors and make their sales noticed by mainstream publishers. This is the only way we can get more gay literature published and more readily available on the shelves of book stores.

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